2019年夏天,香港人展開了一連串反【逃犯條例修訂】修例活動,該條例嚴重威脅及影響一國兩制。時至今日,香港政府不但沒有回應市民五大訴求,更選擇縱容香港警方一次比一次更暴力的鎮壓,務求以白色恐怖平息民怨。 由2019年6月9日開始至今經過了2個多月,香港人仍然得不到政府的正面回應,卻引起了全球關注,亦得到了多方的鼓勵及支持。 平息紛爭的方法只有香港特別行政區行政長官 林鄭月娥回應正視及實行五大訴求, “United we stand, together we hope.” 香港人於抗爭道路上並不孤單。 五大訴求: 1. 徹底撤回逃犯條例 2. 撤回612暴動定性 3. 必不追究反送中抗爭者 4. 成立獨立委員會,徹查警方濫權濫暴 5. 全面落實雙真普選 Since June 2019, Hong Kong started a series of demonstrations against the “EXTRADITION BILL” which terribly influence “One country, two systems”. After 2 months of continuous protests, Hong Kong government still not respond […]
Read moreVery often we walk the streets of Hamra and avoid looking or interacting with the street kids. Maram is a short documentary about a young Syrian refugee girl who sells flowers on the streets of Hamra. Through this documentary we get to know her and her aspirations in life. This mini documentary was a collaboration […]
Read moreProjet Final de Deuxième année d’études (Promotion 2014-2016) FILM : « Là-bas… » Synopsis : A Baie d’Orange, un village au Sud Est d’Haïti, vivent deux femmes : Maricide et Lovely. A 30 ans, Maricide a déjà six enfants et vit dans l’incertitude de l’avenir. Lovely, elle, a 18 ans. Elle a eu son enfant […]
Read moreAs the political atmosphere in the US continues to worsen for undocumented migrants and anyone perceived to be a Muslim, Canada is witnessing a rise in refugees seeking to make use of its porous frontier to flee the overt hostility and repression of Trump’s America. But opposed to the migrant friendly image Canada likes to […]
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Read moreLast Seen (short film) 2016 A short-film about psychological conflicts of every Iraqi young man in recent time, representing one’s homeland, friends, and love… It shows how an Iraqi young man thinks, and what he could possibly do in these inconvenient circumstances, as there is a noticeable lack of services in the country …… what […]
Read moreWinner of the European Short Film Award at the European Film Awards. In August 2012, Syrian photographer Issa Touma awoke to the dawn of the rebel uprising in the city of Aleppo. He spent the next nine days holed up in his apartment, filming the emerging civil war outside. Subscribe to journeyman for daily uploads: […]
Read moreAuthor: Julia Minet 2016, Luksuz produkcija (za slovenske podnapise kliknite na simbol za nastavitve v okencu spodaj desno)
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